Tuesday, March 17, 2015

5 Book Covers and Questions

I liked this book cover because I feel like when I think of something being sucked up I think of a black hole. and this spiral so the brain being sucked as the title and the background being a spiral really enhanced the book. 
I like this cover because it reminded of those colorful circle stickers you would get in school and to me I liek to explore things if they make me feel familiar and comfortable.
I enjoyed this cover specifically because of the background cover and the pedals. It drew me in because i think the simple light blue in the background enhanced the title of the book and the focal point of the pedals.

This cover intrigued me and I liked this cover because when you think of smothered hugs you think of a bear hug. They put the bear in the background purposefully to make you think of this and that makes you think of like your dad or mom giving you a tight hug. I enjoyed this cover specifically of the picture they picked to be on the cover.
This book cover intrigued me because i like the concept of the book cover. The book is called wide awake and to me when i think of being awake I think of staying up and wasting time on less important thing. Thinking of time right off the back helps relate to the cover because around the book cover is a clock and I like that me and the creator of the book cover think a like. Personally I think using the clock in the background was creative and would make me want to read the book.

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