Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Milton Glaser Concept Board Summary


Milton Glaser: His artwork intrigued me because I feel that his artwork is so basic but creates a combination of pieces of art that a appealing to the eye. For example he is famous mostly for the I LOVE NEW YORK design. It’s so simple but also a universal piece of art that everyone knows and that what I enjoy. I enjoy artwork that everyone can learn to appreciate.  My first impression was that his artwork is beautiful because of its simplicity.

Motion Graphics: I was intrigued by motion graphics because I feel it is such a natural form of art. My first impression was that it a unique type of art because it is the body doing different poses and it looks almost as if the picture was taken of their movements in fog.

Illustration: My first impression of illustration is that I believe it is a good use of graphic design because it helps advertise an idea using words and pictures uniformly. I like that although it seems like a lot is going on in the picture, everything comes together to create a unique meaning.

Compiling/Concept Board Summary:
I am choosing to do my concept board on Milton Glaser. Milton Glaser is mostly known for his creation of the logo I Love New York. His work is so unique because he influences all of society and not just one distinct group in society. His work is appreciated by both genders, and all ages from being really little to elderly. I think that enhances his uniqueness because his artwork can be appreciated by all. He is unique because he has a gift to know what interest kids, adults, and just people in general. For example, with kids he has created graphic design pieces for a zoo. That influences kids because kids love zoos and pictures help intrigue kids. With adults he has created posters government like posters which is an influence for adults because the adults in our population are the people that vote in government elections. Lastly he influences people all over the world. An example of this is his I Love New York logo. Everyone around the world knows that symbol because it has become universal and the majority of people living have some sort of object with this logo on it. Milton Glaser is an amazing graphic designer and his work influences everyone around the global. He has inspired me and I think that his work is beautiful, relatable an amazing and that is why I chose him for my concept board.

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