The most frustrating part of the project for me was layering. I would usually forget what layer I was in and then I would erase and I would be on the wrong layer. This frustrated me because I thought the computer was broken and then I realized after about twenty minutes that I was on the wrong layer and that frustrated me a lot. I think I have to pay closer attention to which layer I am on but, at the end of the project I learned the difference between layers and I felt proud of myself because I felt like I actually learned something through the project process. Front this experience I realized that I have to learn how to work the computer by myself because it would benefit me the most and will help me with future projects. I also learned from this experience to keep the sheet with all the information next to me because I could get my questions easily answered from that packet. After completing this project I feel most confident in using the eye- dropper tool and creating new layers because I needed to use the eye- dropper tool a lot to get the color I used in a previous layers and creating new layers because I had a lot of layers so I practiced making new layers a lot. One thing I wish I would be better at and hopefully I do get better at is using the paint brush tool because I am a horrible drawer so I do not like using it but I think if I practiced with it more it would be very helpful to me in future projects. I would like to use photoshop in the future to create more gifs because they are really cool and to edit pictures that I take because I think there are amazing tools on photoshop that could edit a picture that I have taken beautifully.